Listening to: BEDlight for blueEYES
Today was okay, i guess. I still have to do this project//and i don't know when it's due, I hate English.Yeah, so, I like this one kid? Hmm. I need to go to the mall I need warm clothes..very bad--I hate how every 'rap' song, or whatever kind of music it is, has that same beat to it.."Dun da dun dun", it's so annoying. I lay in bed everynight and hear it, because my neighbor listens to it. I just want to go down there and smash his radio with a metal bat :) ENOUGH OF HIS NON-SENSE!
-ends rant-
waiting for this moment to collapse inside my mind.
This time we will run to anywhere you choose
I'll give you more than all..
I'd slit my throat for just one glimpse into your heart

man. the neptunes make awesome beats though! an di love the beat from the boost mobile commercial!! with kanye west. *sighs* good times. anyways. mmm who's this boi>?????
is he a cutesy? eew that was gay! haha hahahahahahahahhahaha
i bet im failing..
i heart them.