I'm trying to grasp
concepts of your dimensions, while my
universe is laced around your wrist
Again, no school for 4 days. I like this.
My throat hurts reeeal bad. I came home from school today, and looked at my tonsils, and they look huge. I just want to get them out, they're bothering me, mucho. Besides being sick, nothing has happened.
I AM seeing MAE & Armor, in April. :D I'm excited. Heh.
I'm going to miss Silverstein and Fallout boy, though. Meh, oh well.
maybe we're all that we needed
and it was probably the best show ever, right along with fear before.
ahhh major orgasms.
and totally jealous.
it bothers me a bit but at least someone apprecates it.
♥ ♥
calm down!