I just got done cleaning my sisters room. She said if I clean it, then she'll bring me to the AFS show on Tuesday, I feel like i'm getting jewed over though, oh well.
I got a 98 on my math test, which is a double grade. I'm doing really good in that class, I don't know how I am doing it though, I suck at math.
I hate how everytime I make plans, they always seem to get ruined by some lame reason. whateeeever.
That made me sick.
I fucking hate people.
Comments are nioce. =]
my plans always crash and burn. but i never really plan well =(
but its all gravy.
oh everythings more understandable when not abbrev. hmm ha. i always abbreviate things and then forget what the fuck i meant. i write things like remember MFDS..and then later its like what the..?!?!
:[ im so sowy!
but MR will totally make up for it!!!!!!!!!!!
I should've beat that foo all bad. man. lol
*australian accent*