Listening to: God Forbid
Feeling: alive
So today was hectic i hate all my classes and had to get makeup work from each of the classes and it sucked and i just hate it all. The whole school thing is so stupid it makes no sence and i want to spit in its face and pound it to the ground cause all that it a bunch of old people that want money that give you an educational book...HELL i could stay home and read books all day which i have been neglecting myself it and i hate myself for it..I think tonight ill sit down and read The Shining cause thats one of the best books in my opinion. So anyway before i get too caught up in that Hannah is the best thing thats happened to me in well forever. Shes so awesome i love her to death hahahah. OK now when you are this bad about hating school i think you should like be able to punch the science teacher in the face with your fist cause that would rule so bad. I would prance around the school and stop at a class and knock on the door and be all :POW: then go to the next room till i get caught hahahaha YES...Im so doing it and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me from doing it hahahahah...At the end of the school year when i graduate im gunna fucking throw my laptop off the schools roof and just be all YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS and then go down to it and spit on it and stomp on it. GOD that would be the day i rule supreme and i am so cool and i just own that laptop..oh yes its gunna happen you wait and see bring a video camera, and im gunna start a mosh so bring a video cam for that too itll be funny hahahahahaha see you kids on the flip side!
you are my everything.
i was thinking about you all day...
im so happy im talking to you now.
i hope you dont leave soon. :(
I LOVE YOU<3 :kiss:
i love you!!!! can nawwwttt wait to talk to you tomorrrow.
I'm here to bring the good news!