
The road is dry... Im fucking delirious right now... Life goes on... Glorious evening of nodding and jump starts... I need to make a personal dance party. The brain works very weird at this hour... No the best time for lyrics i suppose... Keep writing, keep dreaming. Nope, cant be awake and dream, drift in and out, in and out... Eye motions... In out... Heat lightning, scares us both... The only two people awake at this fucking hour... I wont remember this in the morning... At least i wrote this all down... Please pick the right song... The one that keeps the eyes wide.. Creepy.. Yes, creepy... The idea of control... Controlling death with alertness... When is the fucking sun coming up. Then it all changes, same scenery but sun involved... Shouldnt be much different... Alaska... Wide-awake... At least for now... Nature can be the death of me... A thing we'll never overcome... In out in out
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Hey how are you doing?

hey whats up and guess what i have.
Ihave msn so i can talk to all of my friends yessiry.
I'm fine, How about you? You know learning to play guitar is so hard you almost need to know how to play drums so you can smash out your frustration lol.

I played drums for a little bit but I couldn't and still can't afford to buy a set. I have always wanted to play guitar but it's hard if you don't have the time to learn.

I can't get aim because if my mom finds out that i have that well you really don't wanna know.