Youre Not Unique

Listening to: Nile
You are Nobody. Nothing. You have no personality (or at least, none to speak of). ...and think, that wasn't even an insult. Just a preface... Ever notice how people change "personalities" depending on who they're talking to? Ever catch yourself saying something, some quirky little figure of speech or verbal twich, that you picked up from someone else? Wonder where you got it, or why you do it all the time? Well, you probably picked it up from one of your friends, or heard someone say it in public, and subconsciously thought "hey, that was cool!" ...Ok, so that's easy... Assume that since everyone "picks up" mannerisms from the people they encounter, other people make up a decent portion of your personality. So John is mostly John, but with a little bit of Sarah, and Michael, and Zaphod thrown in to the mix, too. He wouldn't be John, without the others. You wouldn't be dem bones, without Professor Pi and Cletus the Foetus. ...And this isn't obvious because... Take that a step further. Where do you draw the line between John, and John+Sarah+Michael+Zaphod? Can you? I challenge anyone to show me a way to determine just how deeply each person i've met has affected me (seriously, folks, I've got some memories that need exorcising...). I believe that you can't draw the line; you can't know how people influence you. ...But I'm still me... There is no core personality; each of us is born with a blank template. Maybe genetics has tilted our Etch-a-Sketcha little to one side, but we're still blank when we pop out. Parents and environment set up a sort of basic outline, and then we subconsiously fill in our own character as we go through life. That's why you tend to meet so many stereotypes -- they're just people who either haven't rounded themselves out yet, or who deliberately chose to become a stereotype. ...So what you're saying is... You are a composite person. I too, am a composite. I have no personality, no existence, outside of my interaction with other, equally composite people. Maybe that's why people go insane in solitary confinement(or maybe not). Where it gets interesting, is when you live this philosophy. Meeting new people and thinking to yourself, "what will I steal from you? That finger-tapping thing? The quiet hesitation before you speak? Raised eyebrows?" Watching your friends, and seeing which personality memes of theirs you've adapted, and which ones they've adapted from you. I promise, you'll start to notice, if you look for it.
Read 6 comments
Um I rather Not go to the website when you were thirdteen.
I wasn't trying to be mean hey guess what my brithday is coming soon.
actually i'm turning thirdteen not fourteen.
aw thats such a nice thing to say!
im taylor
Lovely entry. Completely true. What shall I steal from my friends? What if you steal something that was yours to begin with? Something your friend stole from you and you simply forgot about? It wouldn't be yours anymore. Nor would it be the others because it was never originally theirs. Or yours. It's a never ending cycle. I rest my case.
How are ya doin,kid? It's been forever since we last talked.
yep and honestly i'm not queit happy about it.Going to be thirdteen and all.