
Listening to: im not sure
Well... annoying... there are now banners up. grrrr. its um now. 6 in the morning which means ive been up for 24hours. and ya. Raph told me he really liked me and thought i was really pretty. And mike is a bitch. But im over it, his loss when he has to go around telling people his gf is 12. -Chelsea xoxox
Read 6 comments
nope ive never been to montreal. maybe you look like an actress or something lol. i cant figure out which one tho
oh and i live in illinois
yeah, that song is so sad. i'm glad you're over mike. if he's like 15, she shouldn't be dating a 12 year old anyway, you can do way better.
hey i think your diary kicks ass, its really kool
glad there is some one new then....his girlfriend isnt even a teenager yet...thats freaky he could at least went with someone 13.14
i like ur backround once again!