My feelings towards love.

Feeling: cheated
So, I believe that you only actually fall in love once... all other times are either lust or deep like... but not love. I kinda believe in the whole 'there's one person for everyone' shabang. And it bothers me, when you think you're in love, and then you or the other person falls out of love... and you realize 'Oh hey, i wasn't actually IN love with this person.' And so you sit there analyzing everything thinking 'Well, i've been told you know when you're in love.' Well I thought that was love? But I guess it wasn't? And if that wasn't love what the crap was it? 'Cause there's no way in fuck I want to need someone and care more about a certain person than I just have. ANOTHER THING THAT BOTHERS ME! In movies, or books, or anything.... when people just FIND the person like that, and after like two days they're in love and THEN THEIR LIFE IS PERFECT! ... I hate movies. And I know on one will read this 'cause you're all lazy, assholes with a negative attention span.
Read 6 comments
I did write that, thank you for taking the time and reading it. :)
Oh, you read some other stuff of mine? Whoa... thanks. :) Umm, well... I don't know about amazing. But, I appreciate the compliment.
Hey, I read it! and you make perfect sense... indeed.
thats very true... the whole love thing... a couple times i thought i was in love and afterwards it was like "oh well... guess not"
wow... I hope that's not true... Or else I'm royally screwed...
hey hey need advice i got it leave the comments and hit me back