head over heels

so i have a confession to make i've fallen for this boy he is in almost every moment of my life either by my thoughts about him and his smile or to the way he holds my hand in the hall and the way his words stick to me the way he talks about me to my face and the way he loves me for me and reminds me often i love his jokes i love the games we play and i love the way i can talk to him about anything i love laying on the beach and looking at stars with him i love playing him in basketball even when i suck. i love the way he has multiple laughs for different occations i love that he doesnt care what others think I have fallen hard for him we talk about our future and how sad it will be when i go to college he tells me that he will never love another person and i believe him this is the true meaning of fools in love i'm sometimes afraid at what will happen if it doesnt last. but for now i am more happy than i've ever been so for now i will continue being that fool and i'll just have to wait and see where it takes me.
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Meh, you're so dramatic, life goes on, you may feel dead for 6 months but you will eventually pull yourself up, just to fall equally hard for another.
But dont let me be a pessimist, sounds like you have an equally good chance of making the kid your husband, just keep in touch, fate will do the rest.