fuck college

i didnt realize how boring it is here maybe i just havent figured out where to go but i also didnt think i would miss home so much its weird how your whole life you want to get away and then once your gone you miss it i just got bashed by my only real friend here because i wanted somthing materialistic maybe i want an award for having money so what its not like money is always good to give away yeah charity's that need it will get money but sometimes its better to get down in the mud and work with the poor to help them get on their own feet so maybe i shouldnt let her get to me they are my dreams so what if she thinks im an idiot for wanting my own island its my fucking dream im not selfish fuck i've been on many mission trips i helped build a house and rebuild a community what the fuck has she done lately she doesnt even know me so she can go off and judge me however she wants to i miss home
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You can't save everyone and you always need to be a little bit selfish. And i'll bet everyone would secretly like their own island :)