The party

Feeling: bipolar
Well the party was not that bad except for my one roommate. He decided he was going to wrestle with me. I don't like him touching me he is so fucking ugly. I mean and he makes comments to me all the time. I have made it plain as day he has not chance with me nor will he ever. I don't even like him touching me. He likes to say things that I dont' really need to know. Like one night he blurted out how he would fuck me if given the chance. That is not some thing you say to one of your friends/roommates. Also know full well they don't like you that way. I mean fuck he knows who I'm screwing and has seen him. He doesn't even compair to my playmate. He knows I'm not interested in him at all yet makes comments that make me want to gag or knock his ass out. I really need to talk to my brother and talk him into getting the fuck out to s cali in April. I can't stay here much longer and really don't want to move out east till he is ready to go to cali. I wanted to be there a long time ago as it is. I don't think my friendship will last with this friend. Or if it is to I will need lots and lots of time away from him. He has a knack for pushing me way to fucking far. I wonder if sometimes he is not doing in on purpose because the next day he tries to do things for me in order to make me happy. Some times he can be a very nice guy but for the most part lately he is a fucking ass and pushing me way past my limits. I so want to just fucking put my hands around his throat at times. It is rather tempting though alot of the time. I just need to get out of here and be around friends I dont' want to kill and I actually feel alot for. I need to relax and just thing about me moving and my presents I get once I move and being around my bro. My bro is really good to me. I couldn't ask for a better person to have my back. Well he is just one of a few that I know will always have my back no matter what. K now that I have most of this all out of my system for the time being I will take my leave to talk to my love. For I could not talk to her last night because of said asshole above.
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lol thats bad ass. yeah i went egging houses on stuch a a anti valentines day lol