Listening to: this horror/porn movie I rented today:P
Feeling: kinky
so I dont even know what mood I just picked cause Im watching this movie and not looking at the screen so I just picked a completely random one without even looking haha:)
so yeah anywho, today was pretty dumb
I guess school was okay. definitely laughed a lot which is good. but like all day I was so depressed and felt like I was gonna cry or something and I dont know why
then when I got home I went down to my woods and sat down next to a tree and listened to my chemical romance and cried my fuckin eyes out.. like a fuckin baby or something
then I went back up to my house and called nathan around 4ish and talked to him for all of 5 minutes.. not even. before he had to go. which kinda made me feel like he hated me haha
then dad called and asked me if I wanted to go out to eat with him and my brother and at first I said no cause I wasnt really hungry and didnt feel like goin anywhere. but right before they left I changed my mind and went with them.. so we went to montrose and I had clams and tacos haha what a combination
then we went to shursave and dad got his groceries and stuff. and I got one o' them water penis things haha that like you hold and they slip outta your hand and stuff..:P if you dont know what Im talking about you probably think Im crazy. but oh well
so then we went to the movie store and stayed in there for like an hr cause dad got the brilliant plan to go home while we were picking out movies and then not come back for like ever. but it was alright. another second in there and rich and I probably wouldve burned the whole place down or something:P I ended up getting switch killer which is what I just watched, it ended a little while ago.. its about this dude whos like so "in love" with this girl and then she breaks up with him to go out with a girl haha and then he has a sex change and she becomes a stripper and he starts killing off all her stripper friends to make sure shes not goin out with them or something haha it was pretty funny. real bloody, I liked it:) and then I rented this other movie called the last horror movie I think. which I didnt watch that one yet so I dont really know what its about. and then the movie Im gonna put in as soon as Im done with this entry is the notebook haha yeah I know Im a loser. two horror movies and the notebook:p next time Ima get phantom of the opera< 3 I wanna see that so bad
so anywho. then I came home and did chores and junk then I called nathan again for another .2 second conversation. then I got in a huge fight with my mom. then I watched part of switch killer. then I got in another fight with my mom. then I got on the computer. then mom left for work. then I spent about 10 minutes telling derek that I hate him. then I watched the rest of switch killer and now Im here..
and that was my day
au revoir
I just watched the notebook. and it effing rocked. it was so sad. and like.. beautiful and stuff
PS leave comments, I live for comments< 3
That is so cool. Imagine we'd live so close.
The Notebook is one of my favorite movies of all time. I saw Phantom of the Opera in theatres..let's just say, i fell dead asleep in the beginning. heh
Well, you are definately added to the friend's list, because you seem really great. :)
Ta ta, Gwen