Listening to: fall out boy - from under the cork tree
Feeling: beat
today was a good day. science we got all our old tests and homework assignments and stuff back to put in our folders and then we started a new chapter that really seems quite interesting, I think I'll enjoy it:)
in french we did work and wrote in our notebooks and stuff, it was fuckin boring..
in civics we talked about all this government stuff and acronyms and.. it was boring. but not as bad as french haha:)
health we started the section on drugs, which like everybody knows basically everything about drugs anyway, so really its just an easy grade haha:) that whole class is an easy grade.. youd have to actually TRY to fail it. seriously, I dont do like any of my homework. I didnt even hand in my notebook last marking period or my project 2nd marking period. and I still got like an 80 something 2nd and a 75 3rd. I was like whaa? haha:)
math we started a new lesson on like special right triangles or something..? I dunno it was easy I finished my homework in class
ahhhhh lunch:) was fun. cause its lunch. and its a break from class, yay:) and I love my friends and they tell me jokes and I throw things at them:)
and english we started Act 2 of Romeo & Juliet. its pretty interesting actually, I like shakespeare. I dont understand some of it but the little footnotes ((that for some reason are on the side of the page instead of the bottom haha)) help me out a lot:) Im probably the only person who actually TRIES to figure out what it all means, everybody else just gets the answers to the review sheet as transue tells us and then doesnt care about anything else..
chorus was fuckin boring. I hate it so much:/ and I hate mrs holbert, shes fucking stupid:/..
and in health assistance 10th period mrs hotchkiss let us have like free time at the end of the period cause we had nothing to do so I was in the back of the room with my earphones hidden under my hair, listening to good ole fall out boy:) although at the very end of the period she noticed I had it cause fricking elysia notices that I have volume control on my player and on the wire for my earphones and she wanted to see how loud it would go.. which is really really loud haha you can hear it perfectly from across the room. which mrs hotchkiss did, grrr elysia *hisses* haha:)
and then I got on the bus, listened to more fall out boy, and now Im here:)
au revoir
m sure people will want any shirts or ribbons you bring, i brought in like, 7 shirts and about 200 ribbons, and all i had left by the end of the day was the shirt i was wearing and like, 15 ribbons, lol.
give him some time to get used to it, and it wont be long before youre checking out girls together ;)
but anyway, good luck and i hope nathan does it with you.
ohh yes i so agree x3
your journal makes me fucking jealouss!! ive been listening to Matchbook MCR and fall out boy for the past week non stop i love them!!! YAY!! you officially rock my converse B) ♥
about the boys -- i live for them * .. the cute emo / skater ones of course
( erm i dont mean to label lol :P )
anyways :) take care love ♥