Listening to: wind..?
Feeling: geeky
I hate my algebra class:(
to start with, everybody in the class thinks I'm SUPER SMART. so they always want me to help them with their homework and stuff.. and when I say help, I mean, they let me do it and then copy my answers. well I guess it's unfair to say everybody. it's mostly just bobbie jo. and jason sometimes lets me copy HIS answers:) but sometimes other people do it. like yesterday, we were working in groups and I was working alone cause I just wanted to get the work done. and then bobbie comes over and is like heyy work with us. and I was like ..why. and she was like cause you know you want to;) and I was like no I don't.. but it was too late, she was already moving my desk over.. so I was working in this big group of freshmen [cause most of my class is freshmen] and the only reason they wanted me there was cause I knew the answers.. so I gave them all the wrong ones:) haha actually I really did, but not on purpose.
but the good thing about my class is that the sub yesterday.. well, I forgot my homework in my locker and when she went around after the test to ask everybody if they had done it, when she got to me I told her I forgot it in my locker and should I go back up to get it. but she said she'd let it slide this time cause she likes my hair:p haha, the sucky part though, I actually did my homework:( if I hadn't have done it, I totally coulda gotten away with it.. heh.
and last but not least, it's REALLY REALLY easy. the sub was like "this test WILL take you all of class." and I was done 15 minutes before class ended heh..
And my friend says Elvis isn't dead. And my friend would not lie to me.