Listening to: senses fail - let it enfold you
Feeling: zonked
mwahaha talk about hot guys in montrose today. there were like 5 and they were all just running around the place like they owned it or something:D and 4 outta the 5 had jobs!:) haha workin boys;) I loved them:) especially the one of them. dad asked him for help finding something. and he was obviously new because he didnt have a name on his tag haha I was like jeez I need to know names here!:p but anywho dad asked him to help him find something but he didnt know where it is haha:) and his voice. ah not only was he fuckin gorgeous but his voice melted me inside, I swear< 3:)
AND I found out that the other danny boy got a job ((not the one I sacked yesterday haha:p)) but anywho. danny boy got a job at some stone quarry in forest lake and he got a job for dereko which means hes prolly coming back home next weeekkkk!!:D scorreee:):) Im so happy I could.. dodododo:D hahahaha:):) yaay:)
I think Im gonna die, I swear:) Im so happy:)
comment me< 3:)
dude, you seriously dont know what youre missing! HIM rocks. seriously, they have the best love songs ever. if you download music, you have to get some HIM songs. id reccomment beautiful and the funeral of hearts. but really, all HIM songs are good, you have to hear them.
haha, i hope i get to see a pic of you sometime. i bet youre gorgeous ;)
i hate my pics tho, lol.
im so proud of you!!! *hugs*
and sure, feel free to use any of the sayings i listed, thats what theyre there for ;)
but yeah, i can definetely understand it being hard for you to come out to the entire school. i was sooo nervous when i walked into school that morning. if i hadnt been with my friends, i probly wouldve took off running the other way, cuz i had no idea how other people and my teachers and the principles were gonna react.
im so proud of you for coming out. if you were here (or if i were there) id kiss you! lol.
yeah, we just took plain white shirts and painted them or wrote on them with sharpies. if you want, i can put up a pic of mine to give you an idea of it.
im glad youre excited ;) im excited too for you. its awesome that youre so into this.
i heart you!