[14] Duck

Listening to: Duck
Feeling: ducky
haha duck is such a funny word. It makes me laugh. say it with great emphasis- DUCK. ..had to go to religious churchey thing last night in which i did not fit in at all and was constantly fighting the urge to strangle these two kids who kept asking me what i was doing (technically they asked me twice, but i don't like kids and they were annoying all the same) WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE IM DOING IM READING A MAN-ON-MAN ACTION COMIC BOOK DAMMIT. that was a huge run-on. My god, did I just reprimand myself for writing like that? I can feel the academic vibes creeping up AAAHH ACK GET IT OFF ME *scratch scratch*. ermm.. goodbye.
Read 5 comments
hehe yeah thats true about the dye. but you never know until you try it out. it could always lead too an adventure or something ahead .. later.
hey thanks for the comment! I'm glad you think I'm awesome/amazing...lol
You seem pretty cool yourself:D

hah yea but its soo coollld uop here...i want HEAT! haha im goign to myrtle beach for Spring break...im soo ready for that haha
i dont really know if it is by a band cuz my friend sent it to me to put as my header but but yeah the bottom is senses fail.. who is this anyway?
het i no this has nothing to do with what you wrote about but you left a comment on my thing saying "... is for horse" ... and i was wondering what is for horse?