[46] Holy tapdancing jesus

err.. yeah. randomly picked a mood. anyway, track really SUCKED ASS in a bad way, we had to do 5 200 m sprints back to back. it sucked. someone puked. i could feel my pulse in the frontal lobe of my brain. anyway. small. small miniscule slightage chance of a possibility that i, social ignoramus, generation flaw, may like someone. a guy. a normal guy. imagine that. so yeah g2g study my fucking ass off for finals because i got a fucking B on my math test which pisses me off because i actually knew the material this time. They had answers like A/ "the cow is not an animal" B/ "the cow is not a mammal" and i picked A because i didnt' see B, and who would have fucking thought theres a difference between mammal and animal anyway. A COW IS AN EFFING ANIMAL. yeah well that was my rant about school. fucking test administrators i hope they fucking rot under the wheel of an ice cream truck, faggots.
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tapdancing for jesus? you know jesus was a capricorn?
ehh? catiko likes men. i could write a really twisted fairy tale about this u know.

once apon a time in the fuck ass land of Georgia lived a girl catiko. many ppl at her school questioned which way she swang bc of her kissing of other women in public and her membership to a well known gang called the lesbian lubbers, or LL for short. untill one day prince charming came in the shape of a dead turtle, which, naturley she kissed and happened to
gah. damn letter limits. continued.

the dead turtle turned out the prince charming and was brought back to his human form after catiko gave him mouth to mouth. but the ending to this story is flawed. u see, a girl-wanna-be named jackob threw him into the ebola infested pond. he didnt fully transform untill after he had been thrown into the pond, there for he drowned. catiko heart broken, continued her fetish with 2d comic book characters.