420 420

HAPPY FUCKING 420!! oh man, that was amazing. I got stoned 3 times today and had 2 cigarettes ugghh, haven't had a cigarette in a month. man, that was like fucking christmas for me. all of my friends kept coming up and giving me hugs and everyone was like "happy 420!" it was soo much fun. i got stoned while i was taking a shower before school haha i swear that fan is there just for the purpose of smoking out. and then after school, at 7 or so 3 of us drove to this cross country trail and got stoned there, then went to this school play haha, we were late so we sat in the aisle in the back row and i laughed my ass off at EVERYTHIGN! people kept turning around and looking at us haha it was os embarassing. AND we took like 20 cookies lol ahhh god, i feel sooo dazed, and im going to be soo depressed tomorrow :| i hate being sober
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