10 reasons

10 REASONS WHY I HATE DRUGS 10. You become financially bipolar. One minute, you have a nice thick stash of bills in your wallet, the next, well... You have a nice thick stash of something else. 9. You get ripped off if you're a newbie. 8. You're never 'sure' about anything when it comes to drugs- if it's going to be a good trip or a bad trip, if you're going to stay concious this time... 7. The most annoying thing in the world is the 'waiting period'... after you've done the drug, but still have to be patient for it to kick in. 6. And the effects always have that nasty habit of 'sneaking up' on you. 5. After a couple hours, you wish you were sober or straight again. But there's nothing you can do but wait it out. 4. Coming down. If you've ever been drunk or done hard drugs, you know what I mean. 3. Drinker's amnesia- waking up the next morning and wondering what that stain is. 2. You fail to preform any acts of hygiene when you're high- Forget about remembering to take showers or brushing your teeth. You're stoned, man. 1. Waking up the next morning with a headache and wondering what caused it- because God knows how many different drugs you did last night. 1 REASON WHY I LOVE DRUGS 1. They feel so god damn good.
Read 3 comments
i heard it does too..but sex dancing and parties is what i fucking live for:) haha...have u tried any other drugs before?>
if you ever do ecstacy...put it in alcohol...and see what happens...i made up a drug...alcohox...so DO IT!
haha...ill think about mixing shit now...and i live for alcohox and sextacy:) haha..sextacy..hahah thats funny...HAHAHAHAHA..sorry