LAAAAA *prance*

wow mark your calenders i am in SUCH FUCKING GOOD MOOD it's crazy. i got an 1/8 of pot today and this guy told us we should buy from him from now on. I kind of feel like I got ripped off though. It's not that much, and it was kind of expensive for some regs. *prance* just thinking about how few drug deals have occured at my school, and just knowing i've gotten into it is making me feel very accomplished in a sick satisfying way. except I can't smoke it until next weekend because my friends won't let me do it without them. and one of them is out of town this weekend. *stares wistfully at bag on desk* ah yes and the whole thing about me getting in trouble with the counselors, I finally figured out how it happened- a bunch of kids from my school read my livejournal and started quoting me and using my jokes and it caught the attention of the administration. I love raping people of their mental prudeness :) now this, this is the shit i live for.
Read 4 comments

I made it up.Hah, but thanks.
Ya I know.People are fucking
stupid, so it's prabobly hard
to believe.

`[ mel ]

Ya...I write alot of shit like that
Alot of poetry..I even have a diary
on here just for poetry, but it's set
on friends only.I was like adding
people ealier because they said they
liked my poetry and wanted to be able
to read it.So ya.I work hard on shit
like that... : ]

`[ mel ]
The best music isnt played on the radio! hahaa jk