[53] sexually active band geeks

Er.. yeah. anyway.. despite the fact that my day was boring as fuck, despite the fact that my frontal lobe crapped out of me, despite the fact that my pants are moist and sticky (rain, you pervert, rain), and most of all despite the fact that i hate everyone, i am remotely happy. why? because i went to chik fil a and got a buck-and-2-cent ice cream cone. It is heaven on earth. when in doubt.. drown your thoughts in ice cream. And for an ice cream cone, that is a big achievement, because i tend to think way too much. l. boring as fuck day- self explanitory. 2. frontal lobe crapped out on me- my memory failed me on memorizing test answers for the first time. i was incredulous. How could i, the cheating dominatrix, not be able to memorize all the answers to the french final exam? acbccaacabccbccccbcbaaaab ont, sommes, as, a, a, avez, a, a, sommes, ccaacab. purely from memory. and i couldnt' recall it all when i needed to. Fuck you, my sometmes beautiful mind. 3. i hate everyone. this girl who i REALLY HATE RIGHT NOW, walked up to me while i'm leaning against the wall reading a book in teh hallway. She pulls this freakish spineless yoga move so that her head is somehow peering 2 inches away from my face, in the 1 square foot of space between my head and the book. Obnoxiousobnoxiousobnoxious rrraaaawwwrrrr. THEN, at lunch, i am clearly not interested and concentrating on something else, and she jsut.. is determined to make me pay attention to her. s- GUESS WHAT?! me- i dont care. s- *whiney as fuck* nnnoooo....gueeeeeeeesssssssss...nnnggg... me- NO. s- *carrying on convo by self* MATH FINALS IS TOMORROW!! HAHAHAHA me- *blink* oh, and jessica the mother licker hawkins has already planned otu everything down to manicure pedicure and hairdo time at the beauty parlor for teh formal. Me, on the other hand, haven't even found a dress yet, and it's in 3 days. But i refuse to be sucked into this bubble gum bimbo world. I have to worry abotu finals. Because when i am 18 i am fucking out of here. for good.
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