God i dont know my sexuality

Jesus, I've been trying to figure out my sexuality and I can't get it. People keep telling me I'm bisexual, but.. I thought I was straight, and now im not so sure. I have made out with girls, but that's usually because of spin-the-bottle, dares, or out of sheer boredom. So it doesn't count, does it? I mean, if you do stuff with girls, it doesn't mean anything unless you "feel something", right? And I've never felt anything. Just a kiss, no shock, no woozy sensation, no feeling weak, just plain, boring, emotionless kissing. The only person I have "felt something" with when I kissed was my 'ex-boyfriend' (very technically, he wasn't that). But was that because I like men, or was that simply because I loved the person I was kissing? For example, perhaps the reason I've never "felt anything" with the girls I've kissed is because I didn't have feelings of affection for them. I mean, I find both girls and boys attractive. But girls always just say stuff like "oh shes so pretty" very offhandedly... I'm so confused, do they mean it? Because I always do... I am seriously sometimes attracted to girls; if I ever kissed one of the girls that I had a crush on, THEN would I "feel something"? God, I'm so confused. I don't think it's weird to do stuff with girls, although I would feel really uncomfortable doing anything other than kissing or cuddling, and I just feel awkward saying I'm bisexual. Do i feel awkward because i'm NOT bisexual, because i DONT WANT to be bisexual, or simply because i'm in denial and dont' want people to know? someone help me figure it out... or relate, tell me about your experiances... I would really, really appreciate that. Thank you so much.
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hey, thanks for ur advice..
nobody really cares about me y'know?
life can get lonely..and i hate it...
thanks for saying something. could i add u as one of my friends? maybe we could talk some time...
majorly thankful,
Thanks for letting me add you.
My name's Stella, obviously...what's yours?
Do you think we could email back 'n forth?
Hope 2 hear from u soon,
Your situation kinda sounds like me. Only I'm not confused. o.O Weird, I know. idk tho. If you dont really feel anything for girlies then -shrugs- i guess your not bi. you're just plain old boing straight. lol. jk.

i only cut myself on my ankle once. i didnt like the way it felt. it didnt hurt, just felt funny. ya know? i always did my arms, wrist, and legs. anywhore, i'll go now. ttyl.
oh, i added you to my friends, is that ok?