
111: hey do u think u me and valeria can have a circle in ur basement tomorrow night?? translation 111: hey i don't really want to hang out with you, just valeria, but we want to get high, and you're the only one with a basement, so i'm going to act like i want to spend time with you for now so that i can use you and your house tomorrow night.
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lmao. thats great catherine, vair amusant.
so, how are yaaaas lately!?!
lol...I've so done that called some loser and was like*wanna hang out?* just to use them for pot smokingness...lol-cassie
thx, i have felt better... but life is stating to seem so real....
fucking freeloaders. lace the stuff with laxatives. did they really buy that expensive holy water dro from that dealer?