she knows all about these heartbreaking things.

Listening to: lucero
Feeling: depressed
every time things start to get better, they start to get worse. i loved him so much. it's so strange loving someone for so long, feeling so safe and secure, spending all of your time and energy on them, thinking they'll be there for you forever, and then just two months later they're blocking you on facebook and sending you e-mails saying that they never want to even hear your name again. i never want to be in another relationship again. i'm sorry if this all sounds incredibly dramatic and prepubescent, but i don't know if i can handle another one of these. it's not fair to anyone, and especially not to me. i have so many baggage from all the stupid relationships and disappointing boys i've been with that i don't think i'll be able to trust anyone for a long time.
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how are you? i know that you don't log in here much anymore...but leave me a message sometime...i'd love to hear from you, it's been so long!
Your still young, plenty of time for relationships later, you should just do stuff for you :]