I am Loved

So those of you following the chronicle of my life, I have an update. I was terrified that I would lose the one person that I truly love in this world, and tonight that fear was allevated. I was able to talk to him on AIM, I was able to hear from him that he does still love me. This takes a lot of stress off me, but still I wonder if the Goddess wishes me to spend this summer alone, perhaps it will allow me more time to study. Which is what I am suppose to be doing, but have been slacking at. I have been doing more reading for pleasure, then to learn things. But perhaps that is just as useful. When you listen to a diety that everyone else has discounted for a myth, you find that many ppl write truths as fiction. And you can always learn by what haunts other people's minds. There is hope, and I will cling to that.
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