
Last night was my weekly game session over at Jim's. It means that I get to see Jon for 12 hours, but never alone. Which at this point was fine considering I just wanted to see him again, in the last week I had seen him for 2 hours when he came over to play Tales of Symponia and then proceeded to take my gamecube so he could play his new game at his house. Even in for those two hours I was rejoicing that he was in my company. In the past couple of weeks I feel like he's been pulling away from me, like this morning I went to give him a good-bye kiss and he pulled away, said it was part of his evil plan, he has told me a couple times that he's testing me, for what I have not been informed. So I came to this little analogy. Once a flame flared within my soul burning me bright and bathing me in comforting heat. I watched with tears as the flame began to die until it was only the flickering and smoldering of an early morning hearth. But, with only a few twigs it would spring back to life, it could be larger if only it would be feed, but for now the occassional kindling is tossed keeping it above death.
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