
Tonight I decieded to go look at the pretty picture on elfwood. It usually cheers me up, and then I made a mistake I said to my self I wonder if Becky has any new pictures up. So now here I am sitting thinking about how much I miss her. The one we all orginally thought was Uriel, and the girl who was my best friend my soul sister. To this day I am still not sure why she has ceased to speak with me, but in here eyes I must have commited an unforgivable sin. I had actually believed that I had moved past the pain, much has I had moved past my obsession of Mythril, but just seeing her artwork pulls me back to those days a few years ago when we were inseperable. When my worse fear was losing her, something which I managed to do. I don't know if she was Uriel and if the angel moved on, or if we were all mistaken, but I know that I miss Becky. Kelly I am sorry that you feel like you are being ignored, it is not your fault that many of us still think of Becky when we hear the name Uriel. You have yet to fully meet the rest of us, something which shall have to do soon, and thus it is easy for us to discount your role in all of this. My destiny is twined in that of Uriel's and always has been. It in her future, and I guess that means Kelly's that I have been watching since I was 16. I had forgotten that over this break I have had from all of the knowledge, and the Seeing. But Sight has come back in full force, and I fear that there is another whom I must bring to meet all of you. For I dream of Jack standing next to me overlooking a battle field. I am dreaming of War again, which can not be a good sign. I suppose I should leave off here. There was a time in which I wrote on this site nearly everday but like all things it was neglected as I seeked a rest. David has said that in one month he shall be ready. So in one month so shall I and then I will begin to prepare us all. Uriel I ask you to come out for a day, perhaps in March when the weather is a bit warmer. There is much to arrange. In a months time I will do as Raksha asked. And I will try to keep everyone updated. I am thinking about setting up a website where we can communicate freely away from prying eyes. I will begin to set it up this week and on the guestbook everyone will be free to leave thier feelings. I will send an e-mail to everyone with the information so that its not so public. Good evening to my family and everyone else who read this.
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I never felt ignored just an outsider I asked to meet everyone before raksha went to basic but there wasnt enough time now Im ok I know others
You have gained more wisdom and maturity than I ever could have imagined. I definitely made the right choice by opening your eyes first. Thank you for what you are doing, it's the right thing.
Hm. I guess I've tried to free myself of all this. Perhaps I've been reveling in this new life a little more than I should. ...still... I don't know. Trust is hard now. Yet I miss my family. Please keep in touch.

I cannot believe that you all are still sticking to this "pack" thing. The roles of yourself and others change to your whim...fuck!