
I have been reading Ghost's journal enteries, not just on here but also on deviantart. And there is something that she has posted, i'm not sure if it should bother me or not. I'm working on a book have been since I was sixteen, she know this helped me work out some of the harder events, just by letting me talk through them with her. There are characters that are more than just words on paper, some of you understand that better than others. Characters like Sky, Kendroe, Gabrielle. And now I see she intends to publish a story with Kendroe and Sky in it. I'm not sure that it should bother me but ti does. It's just another knife in the dark. I know that if she publishes that story it may kill every possiblity of me ever getting my book published. I know there are things I could do, things taht would guarntee that I would own the characters, but that seems cruel. Cruel why do i care if am cruel to her she stomped on my heart several times. Dangled in front of me my greatest desire and then back stabbed me. Accused me of lying and then when she discovers the truth continues to tell me i'm not someone she ould like to talk to. Calls me a horrible person, why because i had the guts to tell the truth, why because she doesn't have the guts to go after what she wants, or because she is too much of a coward to admit that she was wrong, and that i've never lied to her, ever. Never have i lied to her. She was the one that i told things to that know one else knows. Cruelty?
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HOnestly you both have equal rights to those two as far as I know. :-/ *sigh* I wish we could all just be... civil without having to try so hard.
I have tried to be civil, i have tried to be happy, to move on....but....i loved her once...