Grr...I hate MEN! I was actually falling in love with someone and now I find out that he is an asshole, but then aren't all men. OH.....Silver I am extremly pissed at you right don't go around kissing and telling. Yes, I'm not only angry, I am hurt. Dammit, I am really hurt right now. But, then I should have known better than this. And did he have to go around telling everyone some of my secrets. What does one say when once again you have been let down. This is exactly what I don't need this right now. I was trying to recover from a heart break and I was hoping that I had found someone who could hold me while I cried, but why should I except anything nice from fate. And now everyone at work is acting weird around me because he told everyone that I am a psycho. Look a psycho hurts people, and I would never hurt anyone, everyone knows that. Silver why have you done this to me. Dammit Mythril why couldn't you have told me to stay away from him...I would have listened. I learned that I should always listen to you. I love you Mythril, not that you will read this. But its you that I love, and on Sunday I knew all this, I knew that Silver was hiding something, but I didn't want to admit it. I never want to admit that things are going wrong. As of now unless Silver does something extremly drastic I don't think I ever wish to see him again.
Read 4 comments
i'm sorry sweety i wish you would of told me the other day when i asked you if everything was ok i would of talked to you if that is what you needed give me a call as soon as you get this ~angie
i would stay away from 'silver' for now and slowly let it all go. we all make mistakes, we all trust people we shouldn't at one time or another, this is how we gain more knowledge. be still.
hey babe... i don't know if you got my previous comment on here but if Mythril is who i think he is(lives in New Orleans... i was engaged to him for awhile) ... then he has a girl in Jacksonville, Florida... and i'm not sure who silver is but just remember not all men are assholes and you'll find someone someday...
Take care
hey, I dont know you, but your entry is really funny. I mean you just have to look at it they right way. Silver? Mithril? I dont know these two people. But the whole thing seems funny to me. I know these people are real to you, but look at it my way. Just what would you do if you read an entry of mine where i bleed my heart out over someone named "cheese"