
Okay see this is me pissed. I went to Washington DC to see Stephen this weekend only to find that he didn't show up at the airport. Waited around for close to two hours, had him paged, but no Stephen. Seems to have forgotten me. So, I knew there was hotel reservations, oh but they are in his name, and without his credit card I can't get into the room. So, here I am with $20, no place to stay, in a city that I have never before seen and no one to call. Because I forgot his cell phone number on my bed. I mean why would i need it, he would be right there at the gate to pick me up. I saw he had even rented a fucking car, and I thought well maybe something came up. And if it did why in the hell couldn't he have left a message on e-mail or called the hotel or sent someone he knew up to meet me. Because once again he's a fucking asshole. I was gonna wait until I talked to him but hell with it he doesn't care abotu my feelings. I am fileing for divorce. I hate all of this shit. I spent 40 hours stranded without a bed or much food all because i didnt' think it was rigth to stand him up. This is me pissed.
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call me we need to talk, and it would have been nice if you had called me throughout the week or been reachable, i'll send you an email explaining what happened, and believe me, i'm so so sorry
It's about time you did
i thought you guys were already divorced...