
I probably spelled the title of this entry wrong, but thats so small compared to the reason I am writing this, so please excuse my lack of spelling knowledge. I posted a stupid questionaire on this site, you'll se that its the entry before this, just to see if there was anyone left out there. I suppose I was feeling lonely and vulnerable and I just wanted to know if anyone cared. Well, I got a response, not one I really wanted, but I suppose you get what you asked for. So now my question is, how is it that I have suceeded in driving away all my friends and getting shadows to hate me. I know that there are a few things in my past that I absolutely regret, but I also know that at the time I thought them the only course. Defending people I thought to be my friends, is not one of them though. No matter how some of the past drama turned out I will always defend those I believe to be loyal to me. I am often blinded by my need to think that everyone is good, and it has lead me to make some terrible judgement calls, but I did the best I could. I don't even blame the people who crucify me when I stand by them, we all do what we think is best. And, trust me when I say I am paying for all my mistakes. No matter what Becky said I should never had started a relationship with BJ. It was wrong in two differnt ways, one and probably the worst I broke my vows to Stephen and caused him immense pain. I will always hate myself for the way I treated him. And second I knew and often told people that BJ and Becky were doomed to always get back together, although that now seems beyond the realm of possiblty. I should never have meddled with someone who still held, no matter how small, a part of my best friends heart. I will always miss Becky, but somewhere deep deep I hold hope that one day I will speak with her again. It's a very distant hope, but its the only ounce of hope I have of once again seeing my lost 'sister' again. We went through so much together and she taught me what it was to love and now thats gone. And I take most of the responsiblity for it. But, after all this time, after my being in isolation I get a terrible comment from gods only knows who. And I must ask myself how I have gathered such hate to myself. Why after all this time someone would call me a self righteous bitch and then defend themselves for being a coward, maybe I shouldn't use that word, but hurt causes us to say stupid things, and not even reveal themselves. They let it slip that they had a diary here, but that only means they there are one of hundred or perhaps thousands of people. And then I ask myself, doesn't it have to be someone that I have meet personally to gather that much hate against me. I just don't know, and I want to. I want to know what my crimes were, I want to make up for it. I want to apologize if I can. But, I don't even know what I've done so all I can do is be confused by the shadows. It seems even the shadows carry blades.
Read 6 comments
Some people blame karma - that what we do affects how the world responds to us. Personally, I think it might be true, to an extent though. I also think that some things are dished out to us that don't seem just in anyway, but maybe it's just the world's way of testing us, of making us stronger. Some people can't take it, they give up ... and those of us who do take it, we move on. Eventually things get better ... eventually.
Hi,its 'the shadow'.I don't know what drove me to check up on this shit but let me explain something.From what I have read of your diary, you havent been the best of a person, but who is.But thats just my opinion. You could say I randomly visit peoples diaries and read up on them. After all this is a "journal". Some of the most private info can be found here, on absolute strangers.Interesting.But do keep in mind who you have become.Peace.
I don't know why, exactly.
Maybe it is linked to the pouring out of your soul on a diary site where anyone could read it ...
Or it could be that i'm just easy to talk to, which is usually the occasion.
I'm happy to be talked to.
And yes ... I do miss high school. Maybe too much.
... it might be unhealthy.
I'm so sorry, that's so uneccessary for you to be hurt by petty comments... I hope you get some positive comments soon... =)
Well fuck em. Wasn't me leavein the comments I don't know who that was... but.. times like these call for Strong Bad e-mail ~Michele
no matter what happens i will still stand by you. i don't hate you, i never have, i never can, and a part of me still loves you and probably always will, I'll stand by you and i'm always here no matter what. i miss you and want to talk to you about a lot of things, email me or get ahold of me somehow.