oh greAT

Dad got back last night. Yay. He came home and got drunk, same with mom, how fun. Anyway dad and I had a long talk about music and stuff like that and it seems like me getting an electric guitar is a go! Woot for me. I ate some turkey bacon and cupcakes for breakfast. Ok Did i ever mention my hernia? I dont think I did. Anyway I had a hernia, got it at the beginning of July, went to the doctors and he popped it in.. hurt like hell! Told me not to move it for a few days so I didnt move it or use it for a week. Took the bandage thingy off and a few days later it was back.. This morning i was looking at it, put my hand flat and pressed on it. Wow, it popped back in! (I know, Ew) Good thing it didnt hurt though. well Now I am happy because of it.. Haven't been on Everquest in over a week, think I might pop on today just to say hi or something then phone Angela and see if she wants to do something hehe. Figured out why my life is boring. It's cause its summer! I found an old diary of mine on xanga and read it, it was exciting cause it was about what happened in school. So, I cant wait for school to start again. I'm accually getting into a good sleeping habit and getting to sleep earlier. Yay. ttyl .Tessa.
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