
Amaaaaaaaannddddaaaaaa. Thank you! *hugs* I sent you an email. Since your never on Yahoo when I'm on. Anyway Kristen's party was ok. I'm going to skip out most of it cause.. i didnt like most of it. Anyway I got cold. Went back to Kristen's with Irma and Jen. Watched American Pie 1 and 2. They came home drunk. Long story. Glad I didnt go with them. But before we went to the mall (but didnt go in for some strange reason) and were talking to this guy and then he left.. then later on the bus we saw him again and hes like "why arent you girls in a bar?" and we're all like "uhh... hello, we're underaged, 4 years under age" and he said "holy, you guys look like your 19 or something" Yea.. he was 20 and his name was brandon.. he was hott :P I have nothing against people who drink or do drugs or whatever but Someone I know had a talk with me and told me all this stuff so, now I'm not going to mess up my brain while I need it for school. Going over to Pauls, hes going to give me and his little cousin some guitar lessons.. or something like that.. anyway I'm going there around 7. It's 4:08. I went in the hot tub today for the first time in over a year. Fun, I feel really relaxed, too bad I was all alone so no one to talk to :( (haha) I'm still in my bathingsuit.. hmmm. Quote of the Day: Erika: "Someone come spoon with me" Me: "I'm trying!" God that was hilarious. Everytime I say hilarious I think of Larry... i know .. im obsessed. Oh well.. (¯`v´¯)(¯`v´¯)(¯`v´¯)(¯`v´¯)(¯`v´¯)Amanda! Mwahaha: Wow I'm a loser, haha. Later
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