Gone to california

Feeling: addicted
Dear Diary, School is starting soon. I really cannot wait. It's going to be so different, and I get to see all my friends again. I hear it's going to be hard but I will try my best and NOT slack off at the end of the year, like I did in Grade 8 and 9. Should I get individual binders for each class? I think so, but I am not sure. I got through Jr. High with one binder a year, worked fine for me. This past year I didn't even have to empty it half way through, like I did the other years. Hmm. I have to get a diary to write in in real life, so says Angela anyway. I will do that sometime. Dad is out of town until Friday. Which is good because then he won't be around to bitch at me, which is extremely annoying since I can't bitch back at him without getting threatened in some way. Some days I wish would never end, but I haven't had any of those lately. All my days have been boring. Last time I had it was.. the night of The Doors. Which was a while ago, I think anyway. Tomorrow I am going to go hang with Charlie, for sure this time. We are goin skating at .. around 1pm. He's bringing Curtis too, he's so cute haha. Okay now I can't remember what I was going to write! Crappeh. OH YEAH. When I was at Layne's I asked him to join my wigger club, but he declined as people actually think he is a wigger. I kinda feel sorry for him, they only think that because of the way he dresses... but I guess that's how people get labelled. I haven't been labelled. Well, I have by my lover, Kristen, but that label was "Loner" and it is fitting in my opinion. Well that is all for today, maybe when life gets interesting I shall write more often. Love, The One and Only, Tessa Antonia L.
Read 2 comments
thanx for reading and understanding my last entry.
But it's all good, turns out it was a misunderstanding.
right on.
loner is the way to be.
im a loner to .
in a sence dont ja no.
we have trust issues!
