Dad's home.

Feeling: old
Okay so. School in a little over a week. Excitement building up.. new school and whatnot. I still need to get my binders and shizz. Have to get up at 7am on monday to see if I can shower and shit before school and have time to walk there... Then Tuesday going to pay fees and whatnot.. Dying my hair back to its natural colour tomorrow too, got the dye and stuff.. yeah.. SHAUNAS WEDDING IN A WEEK. OMG NERVOUS. Good thing I can play both songs with my eyes closed, I should be good... DONT MESS UP DONT MESS UP DONT MESSS UP. Oh well. my dress still fits and shizz. Looks nice. Going for a pedicure on friday.. for the wedding.. and then rehursal on friday.. then wedding on saturday.. school next tuesday (not the one coming up, one after). Uhh yep. Went shopping, have all my clothes and stuff. Exciting. Shoes.. belts.. stuff. Umm nothing new to report. Nope. Nothing. So, laterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
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