Blue October

Sooo I went with Ang last night and saw Blue October. It was a really good concert. We saw Dana while waiting in line! I haven't seen her in a few years. The first band was good.. "Testing Reflex" or something? I donno. But they were good. And the drummer was SO FUCKING HOT. Oh my god. Sooooo hot. UGh. There was also a hot asian in the band haha. Second band reminded me of radiohead. I would have liked them more if the frontman didn't seem like such an ass who was full of himself. Seeing bands and listening to bands are completely different things! Then Blue October. Jeese Justin is scarey looking. He's so creepy. But it was a really good show. They had a pretend Encore (Hate Me) and then came back out and played.. I think 2 more songs. Fuck some idiot tried to start a pit or some shit and it was so annoying. He also tried to crowd surf. Fuckin idiot. Then everyone pushed him to the back of the crowd cause.. it was annoying. Got home at like, 12:30. I convinced my mom to let me stay home for the morning cause I needed to sleep. But she didn't call in for me. So I'll have to make up an excuse. .... :(
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shes a douche...even though im still giving her a chance..she just one of those people who are extremely stupid and i would never evr hang out with,becuase there that dence about life.
and larry told me she had my additude before i met her...and now i want to kill him becuase she is NOT like me in any shaope or form.