
Skipped some of social class. Not like it mattered. Went and saw kristen, ashley and shelby!! yay I fell at lunch doing my impersonation of Will Ferrel running into lockers on Elf. it was freaking hilarious! Slooow motion they tell me. When we were watching Elf Angela told me that he reminded her of me. I really am like him! I am eccentric! AHH RUN AWAY!! But I also do really good impersonations of him...when I dont fall. Found someone to buy the new Gwen Stefani Cd, since my dad and I both hate it. Now I will have 5 dollars! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I am selling it for 7 cause dad told me to and i have to give him the 2 dollars. I want this
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niiiiiice hat. likin it...yesyes indeedy do...lol...
-*much luv*-
