
eminem cd the residents (petting zoo) cd boy cd 2 pairs of sweat pants 2 sweaters 2 pairs of pajama pants gift card to indigo/chapters/coles underwear socks new guitar strap tons of chocolate new blowdrier perfume guitar pics etiquette of jamming book dragon statue dragon calender new tom green dvd mini cooper model little toy helicopter to make up for the one my dad shot onto the school roof when i was like...6, he broke it right away though! 15 dollars from gram wicked cool touque thinger nothing big. but then agin my guitar was most of my xmas present. I love it *love* oh and of course the Larry Lalonde promo ad.... *sex* Later, Tessa aka Hellbound on the primus bb im makin myself KNOWN!
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rockin' the christmas presents.
god you got a shit load.