
Feeling: melodramatic
Hey, I'm finally updating. I moved back into the dorms last Wednesday and I've been REALLY busy ever since. I have two classes with Jhonna (my sister) and that's cool. I have another two with my roommate Jennifer which is all right. She isn't getting on my nerves as much as she was last semester. We ended up moving up to the 6th floor (from the 4th) and I'm really glad. Our furniture is a lot better except that she got this cool bed that moves up so she has a lot of room underneath for storage and I got a really old bed from like 1954 (not cool). I'm excited that I don't have class on Monday due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day! (Thank you Dr.!) I bought two pairs of jeans tonight...what else have I done? I went to the Omelette Shoppe the other day... lol Well, I'm done.
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Hey! I'm glad to hear ya got moved! Yeh, all my shit is gone. Mom somehow found out everything on that site. So i said fuck it and her!