Life Accomplishments

Feeling: down
Life Accomplishments: I took karate for a couple years, earned a yellow belt, and gained a little self-respect. I completed a trilogy of sci-fi novels by the time I turned 15. I ran a 10 minute mile {which is pretty damn good for me}. I submitted 5 works of art to a county show and won 3 awards. I was 40 out of a class of 340 {also pretty damn good}. I can make quiche. I was on a softball team that was 3rd in the state. I can speak French adequately. I made straight A's in every class in high school. I own 103 pairs of shoes and 47 purses.
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103 pairs of shoes? That's like .... (counts on fingers and toes and penis and cuticles) 206 feets. Are you an alien, too?

wow, you are my idol

a l i*
yeah it wasnt so bad afterall but still its a waste of my time...
you know karate? thats cool!
i want to learn some kind of karate from a really hot asian guy.
Creamy chicken is awesome, but im partial to beef, although that might be because i have about 30 packages of it.

"I own 103 pairs of shoes and 47 purses"
WOW! That is something to boast about, i couldnt even imagine that many!
ha ha ha!!! hmm, willie wonkas not all bad, he was hot in a mad hatter kind of way.
johnny depp is the new willie wonka, now thats fucking hot give me your chocolate any day... uh huh...
i like your life accomplishments, its cute... and not all too bad if i do say so myself and i do so there.
ill think about it... im not sure that it would seem substantial to anyone else...
ben affleck is so gross! i cant stand him, i have a hard time watching a movie with him in it...
johnny is the sexiest guy ever, not just in hollywood but just anywhere any time.