Tree at My Window

Feeling: whatever
Thursdays are weird. Short and cramped in the middle and every Thursday in the computer lab a really scary guy sits and stares like a maniac at me. Anyway, no weekend plans as of yet but I'm normally just along for the ride in my sister's car. Maybe I'll see my brother. I don't know. I saw a bunch of kids from high school this weekend. All but one didn't even recognize me. Crazy. I think I look exactly the same except that my hair is about a foot longer. But the guy that did recognize me was one that I had a class with Sophomore year which was 5 years ago. I've been having strange dreams involving celebrities lately. Like every night. Last night it was Paul Rizer. Well, I guess he's not really a celebrity anymore. We were at a gas station and he kept telling me not to drink the Diet Coke. Weird. :-)
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