It's Still New Years

Feeling: pained
Okay, New Years. Wow. Another year of my life is gone. A whole year just past without my mom. That's a downer. I can't believe that she is actually dead. I mean, sometimes I wake up expecting her to be upstairs or I pick up the phone to call her but halfway through I realize that it's no use. She's gone forever. I shouldn't be this upset. I should accept that she's gone. But I can't. I can't accept that she is dead or that my life is the exact opposite of what I thought it would be or that I don't really know who my real dad is or that I don't have anyone to tell this to that actually cares.
Read 13 comments
oh, im so sorry. i hope u'll feel better
i hope you feel better, and i hope taht this next year is a good year for you too. i have way bad insomnia...i cant sleep, i dont know wehre you are but its 7 in the morning here, ive been up all night...
yeah, and during the day i wont have to deal with all of them snoring. and it wouldnt be on the floor in my basement. still, i hate insomnia.
i do that too, or sometimes if im really tired i just tell them to wake me up when they wake up and go lock them out of my room. they are too half asleep to care most of the time, but i still feel bad.
haha, yeah. i always end up feeling alone at all of my parties, its strange. i tell myself im never having one again and then i end up having them anyway. but its like the whole crowd follows me but no one will talk to me, they stand around me and talk amongst themselves, so usually im kinda annoyed with half of them anyway. tonight...started as a disaster. it ended up alright i guess. aside from the fact that i cant sleep at least
exactly! and then they are all like "whats wrong becca? you should have fun!", makes me madder.
yeah, that is what was happening tonight, kinda blew up and then somehow i ended up dancing and having a good time. i also have this thing where, i can listen to more than one person at a time, or at least hear that more than one person is talking, so i can tell one person to wait a second. other people dont seem to know how to do that. which really annoys me. and since im shy, if i yell so that they hear me then they think im mad
yeah, they say "talk. you are too quiet." its not that i dont talk, its that no one listens when i do, so i give up and act like im interestd in what they are saying.
you too, hope you can get to sleep!! byebye
aaha thanks, i thought it was pretty hardcore ;D OMG cute header picture! Thanks for the comment! Have a good new years!
Hey gurl! You know you can talk to me ne time! All ya have to do is holla, you're my best friend, and I'd do ne thing in the world for ya. Start yellin at me!
He so did flash you! I wish i could have had a camera for the looks on both of your faces! It was truely a Hallmark (sick and twisted) moment!!!!!!!
i care, some times. you do have one thing on your side, archie bunker kicks ass. not to mention pink is a happy color. a very happy color.