School Computer Lab

Feeling: bored
I know I said I would start updating every day but guess what...The internet in my room quit working for some reason. Blah! I hate that. Anyway, I am now in the stinkin' computer lab listening to the most ignorant conversation about how it is easier to type papers then to hand write them. Who freakin' cares?! We had a 1-hour delay today. What is the point? One hour!! One hour!!! GOD! I'd rather just go on time. For some reason, all day today I was wondering am I late or early, you know? Like even, am I in the right building right now. I hate college and delays. Yesterday I didn't go to most of my classes at all. I felt really sick but I had to go to my 4 o'clock class because I have it with my sister and she would bitch me out if I didn't go. I think everyone in there thinks we are twins even though we don't look anything alike. When the teacher calls roll everyone looks at us. News flash! We have different dads, we look nothing alike! Anyway, I guess I'm through with this one. Pray for snow.
Read 3 comments
chick, you're a nut! well i have the best news i have my dsl hooked up finally!!!!! YAY!!! sorry it's the lil things that amuse me! lmao love ya
good ol' john candy one of the greats no doubt.
as for computer labs, never used one.
as for handwritten work as opposed to typing, who the hell does care?
it's been so long since i've handwritten something i'm not even sure which hand i used to write with.
so you have a sister who is not your twin? awww. i bet you two are FOXES, WOOT!
rock on ma dear.
We have a keyboarding calss in our school and i sit next to the most annoying girls in the world not only do they talk WAY loud but they talk about the dumbest shit ever and it drives me NUTS! lol just thought i'd share! =)