Fireworks, Whoa

Feeling: regretful
Last night I went and saw the fireworks in Richmond. It became obvious to me that I am so obviously from a small town. We parked on a sidewalk and sat in the median to watch the show, which was put off above a humongous baseball stadium. The fireworks were gorgeous. I’ve never seen that good of a show. In my hometown it lasts about 10 minutes and then you go home. It lasted 30 minutes and it was just great. And I savored the feeling of being a kid again. Yesterday we (AC and Norman) sat down and had dinner at the table like a family and it was so weird. I haven’t felt like that in a long time. I can’t describe it with words that make sense. Just that it reminds me of when I was in junior high and Mom and Bob and I sat down and talked about school and sports and books and it was just the best time of my life. Being secure and with people who loved me. Never mind the bad times those years, I remember the good, and why shouldn’t I? That stuff is gone now and will never be back. Never. And I realize that by living in the moment I can commit these times to memory and not regret like I do with everything else. A few weeks ago, while I was in Tennessee, my aunt and cousin and I rode around in a convertible and for once I wasn’t worried about what my hair would look like or what others would think of me. I was just relishing the wind through my fingers and the sun on my face. It was some kind of heaven. I wasn’t just crawling through my life; I was living it for the first time in a long while. I haven’t felt that way since Jhonna and Nick and Kelly and I hung out at the Pancake House for hours laughing too loud and bothering the waitresses. I will not miss that anymore. I will make more good times with different people. I will. I swear it. Someone basically said that I was small town today. That doesn’t sit well with me. Small town as in I am a person who won’t get out and won’t amount to anything. I don’t know if they meant it that way, but it means that to me. I always thought I was destined for California or New York. Somewhere else. Something else. But I’m not. I might as well admit it to myself since it’s so obvious to others. I am going to live in West Virginia for the rest of my life. I will probably end up marrying someone that I kind of love and don’t really like and I’ll have a kid that irritates the crap out of me. I always wanted to be remembered for something. Something. Anything. Will that happen? Probably not. But I’ll be damned if I spend my life crawling. I won’t. I want to get up and run through life and I will. I swear it. Sidenote: Now that Jenn is finally through with her lowlife boyfriend, I can remind him (I know you still read my diary) of what I said: "I'm not going anywhere. You, on the other hand, will be gone before I forget what we are fighting about." lmao It turns out that I am a pyschic afterall or maybe I can see what's obvious. :-)
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my val.
long time, too long indeed.

never fear running.
making good times with new good people is what life is all about.
give yourself life.
as for being small town, nothing is written in stone.
you can go anywhere you want.
and we're all destined for some other place.
i see myself in new zealand, ok maybe not, but theres an entire world out there just waiting for a small-town-girl.
i will comment more later of course.
i hate getting cut off.
but im playing catch up now so more comments will come later.
of course.

Yeh that past days have been quite interesting and great! I go tomorrow to look at a car! WOOT!

Don't worry I wanna call Poff, Pops, to. I always do it.

I'll call ya here in a lil while. Gotta pee.

Love ya
I've noticed one thing, and that is that those who flock to the big towns end up in the small towns when the sun sets anyway.

I don't mind being smalltown. I've always figured if I went bigtown, I'd end up like someone on television, and I can't say that's something I'd really look forward too.

But damn, then again, the bigtown's have some damn nice bars as well. I sense froom your writing that big or small, you'll do better than fine.
Anything you say? Hmmm, interesting. I'll get back to you on that.
Honey, there's nothing wrong with living in West Virgina. It's all up to you on where you go and how bad. And you are remembered already for something. Something I kindly envy you for. (1) You're not worried about having a boy in your life, yes I said boy. You can do it on your own and not afraid to be alone. *Hey that rhymed and I didn't mean for it to* hehe. (2) You're your own person. You don't give a shit who thinks what about you. Those are
wonderful things to be remembered for. Valerie, you're a wonderful person. Don't let anyone tell you different. If you're not a small town gurl, prove them wrong. Show them you're not. And then tell them to kiss your ass!

I have faith in ya. You will be fine. You're going to succeed in life and get everything you want and deserve. You're going to have and find someone who you truely love and they truely love you to..and the kid, well it'll
still be annoying, but you'll love it just the same. (sorry all kids are annoying) lol. But just have faith in yourself and don't let anyone talk you down. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF CHILD, JUST BELIEVE! lol, sorry that was really cheesey but also really true.

I love you, no matter how you turn out or where you are in life. You are not only my cousin, but something closer than a sister or best friend. I promise it will all turn out right. I love ya!
act big town inside a small town, it will be a lot funner than being small town in a big know big fish little pond thing?
walk around like you just stepped off the bus from new york city and no one can touch you, youre that cool...
if you think youre "big town" or whatever then everyone else will too, all that self-doubt it just shows through and people can smell it on you like cheap wine and cigarettes, it stinks.
If you do not follow your heart and your dreams than you are on your knees and crawling, only left with the delusion of standing...small towns are where the most wonderfull people come from. Einstein, Adams, Newton and many others. A town is not a person.