*Cough Cough*

Feeling: agitated
I had a great day. I hung around with Uncle Joe for a while and then went out with my dad, Jhonna and Nick. We saw Van Helsing and I thought it was more funny than scary. Then when I got back to Jenn's we sat around with Craig for a little while and then we watched Secret Window with Johnnie Depp which was totally good. But then again anything with Johnnie Depp is good just for the sheer fact that he is quite possibly the sexiest man alive. -pause in writing entry for the better part of an hour due to the fact that we had to run around looking for a certain person who shall remain nameless *cough cough Slimey cough cough*- Right now it is 4:17 am and once again I am awake and not tired. I think I'll spend the night writing or staring at an empty screen. Either way it won't be unproductive.
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I'm a big fan of the empty screen myself. Myself being me. Me being Nick.

But sometimes I wonder if it gets as much enjoyment out of staring at my empty face as I get out of staring at its empty screen.

It's probably a close race.

P.S. -- both times I tried to type 'empty' I typed 'emoty', but changed them because I'm vain.