never said thank you for that

Yesterday was a great, great day. Got a 92 on my Geology test, yay. Chamber Choir was fun, and since I took my camera to school, I took some pictures. We had the debate in Government. At lunch, Georgia made an Applelantern, which is a Jack-O-Lantern, only with an apple. Then, we went around and showed it to people like Carl, Gray, and Emily. Carl immediately tried to seduce the apple, Emily was amazed, and Gray tried to cause it bodily harm, like it does with all Georgia's creations. Concert Choir was eh. We did literary circles in English. It was boring. Work was good. I got paid. I lost faith in my ability to do multiplication, though. I thought there was something I didn't know about taken out of my paycheck, and there wasn't. Ms. Alison says the payroll people don't mess up. Obviously, they do, because Jackie's SLED money was taken out and mine wasn't. I don't know. Oh, well. After work, I went home and had leftover pizza and then went to pick up Georgia, and we drove around awhile. We sang the Elephant Love Medley and scared people at traffic lights, I'm sure. We bought blank CDs at Wal-Mart, and then went by Cold Stone and got ice cream things. That is the cheesiest place. They sing and chant behind the counter. We decided to take Nikki a milkshake and hang out with her for a bit. She was glad for our company because her mom wasn't talking to her. I wish I knew what that was about. We had fun. It was nice to sit there with my two wonderful best friends and just be. Finally, we went to Georgia's house and I borrowed Titanic. We lit up the Applelantern, and it looked cute. Then, I went home and watched tape one of Titanic and went to bed.
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lord that job. whew.
haven't been to coldstone yet, but I did hear they have to sing for their tips
you had a geology test already?


i haven't even started school yet.