i'll pick you up as my act of contrition

I have decided that I very much enjoy spending time with RH & Michelle, or either one alone. Last night, I went to Barnes & Noble and read the next section of The Joy Luck Club. I saw Catherine, but she was buying a book and I was on a really good page, so I didn't get up (sorry, sweetie). After that I went to Town Theatre to check the cast list for The Sound Of Music to see Catherine's name for myself (because yay!) and to see if Alana got anything. She did. She is a postulant/party guest. I cannot wait to see this play. I love it when people I know are in plays. Seeing Emily play Kim McAfee made me feel so proud, just seeing Hannah play Nancy did. Finally, I went to Michelle's house, where she had the Peruvian coffee brewing. I talked to her in her kitchen, and then we went into the living room and drank the coffee. We went into the kitchen and I got another cup, and then RH called and said he was on his way over. We sat in the living room and had a very intellectual conversation. There are some people I can talk to and leave conversations feeling as though I have lost several brain cells. But we talked about such smart things, and then Michelle told me this is everyday conversation at her house. I like that. I like that a lot. At my house, we usually joke with each other and I like that too, but I like having intelligent discussions about people with things like politics and language every once in awhile. Plus, Michelle's sister Brie came home and remembered me from our Spanish II class from hell. I haven't been writing lately. I need to work on that.
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call me anytime you need to "chin-wag." peruvian coffee... what a delight.
so says lauren...