
Feeling: elated
I am now the holder of my very first job. I saw the sign for it on Saturday afternoon as I was out job hunting. They were looking for counselors for the QuestZone afterschool program, and there was a phone number, and you were supposed to call and ask for Alison or Angie. Well, I did that, except I left a message. Ms. Alison called me back yesterday morning and asked me to come down that afternoon and fill out an application. When I came, she sat down with me and we talked a bit. She said she would call my references (Joy, Jody, Ms. Becky). Joy apparently gave Ms. Alison a glowing statement because she never called Jody and I don't know about Ms. Becky. Joy called while I was out last night to see if I'd heard anything, but I hadn't. Anyway, today, after nearly dying from suspense, I called Ms. Alison and she asked me to come down at 2 to talk to me more. When I got there, she handed me paperwork and we filled it out and the other new employees were there. Both of their names are Pam, and from this point forward they will be known as PS (the woman in her 50's) and PC (the woman in her late 30's), because that's what Ms. Alison was calling them. One more name is Nikki. Not my best friend, Nikki, but a girl who graduated from high school with my sister. To eliminate confusion, I will refer to her as Work Nikki. I get paid 5.75 an hour, and I have an hour and a half worth of pay for coming in today! I start Thursday, as does school. I finally have a job! Ms. Alison is so excited to be my first "Boss Lady." I like her a lot. I think this is going to be a wonderful job.
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yayyyy drew