go ye up to meet him and say

Listening to: regis & kelly
My printer is broken. I guess that's college life, something always being broken. But this has been an amazing experience so far. I can't believe I haven't written about it yet. Spanish is really enjoyable. I really like Dr. Coffey, and the stuff is really easy so far. I know it will get harder, but I think that if I can just grasp the basics, I will have an easier time with the harder stuff. I LOVE CHORUS. Of course, that's no surprise. Even though there's a lot of SAB stuff, we sing some tenor stuff. In Old Main, at least. I had forgotten what it's like to be a freshman in chorus. Nobody knows you, and nobody knows you're talented, so you have to prove your worth all over again. Plus, they've all formed their little groups and don't really talk to anybody else, so the freshmen are kind of on the outside. But it's okay. They're still nice people, they're just alreayd friends and we're new. English is good. I think I'll do well. No real tests, just a bunch of papers. Government is...weird. I don't know what to make of Dr. Lollis. He has some very different ideas, and we're pretty much expected to learn just by reading the chapters. But we have to take lecture notes, too. Psychology is straightforward lecture & notetaking and I like it a lot. We're talking about the brain today. As far as friends are concerned...well, the whole thing with the Amys didn't pay out, but I'm still good friends with Justin and really close to Kayleigh. It's weird how close we've gotten already. And then Tiffany, love her. Ooh, showertime. Kayleigh should call soon.
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I'm so glad to hear that everything si going well for you. Love you sweets.---Melissa
"I guess that's college life; something always being broken." Wow, that was really profound, even if you didn't intend it to be.

I'm glad college is going well for us. Having steady friends seems like fun, I'm envious. But someday I'll get to tell you all about my group too:)