stars beginning to fade

Listening to: Shakira - Tu
School is school is school. In Government, we got to talking about the death penalty. Now, I absolutely 100% do not agree with the death penalty. I'd rather have them rot in jail then have to die like that. There's this one girl in there and I think Amelia, for one, almost punched her in the face or something. She's so pushy with her opinions and won't listen to anyone else's without making this face like we're the dumbest people alive. 18 people in there favor the death penalty, and 6 don't. There's also the execution of the mentally hanicapped, but I won't get into that. Work was fun today. We had our Thanksgiving dinner, so that's over. It worked out well. Ms. Pam basically got fired, but I won't get into that either. My head hurts, and it's time for Boy Meets World.
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I like turkey
I love Boy Meets World.
I also agree with you about the death penalty thing
because if we kill them, we're no better than them.
Execution for the mentally impaired? For crimes or for being mentally handicapped? If it's the latter, that's totally messed up. The former, on the other hand, I feel should go for the sake that, if we do punish them for commiting crimes they may not have been fully aware of, they shouldn't be made to suffer in jail. Just my opinion, anyways.
Oh, and I have a girl in my classroom just like that too, but in Economics. Oddly enough, we talked about abortion there. Hoo-boy, what a hellraiser that was.